Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Iran Nuclear Deal

Recently the United States has withdrawn from the Iran Nuclear Deal spurring numerous consequences, both good and bad, as a result. The withdrawal from this agreement comes as a fantastic showing of the US waking up to the blatant extortion without any significant progress toward the ultimate goal of pacifying Iran and containing/shutting down their nuclear projects it has been agreeing to. The only consequence of the Deal has been sending 1.7 billion dollars to a country in Iran that has a track record of supporting terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Taliban and is even still listed as a sponsored terrorist state.  This money, even more remarkably was a direct link to the release of American hostages they had taken. Even more unbelievable still is that we weren't even permitted to inspect the nuclear testing sites whenever we wanted to, instead allowing Iran twenty four days notice, which, while not enough time to get rid of any trace of nuclear activity, still shouldn't even be a privilege granted to begin with. This is the first step, however, in deconstructing the deal as many other nations must be persuaded to pull out of the deal. Without this, the Iranians will still be extracting ill gotten wealth for its misguided regime. None of this is to say the deal isn't working as it was designed to, however, the amount of improvement needed to make it advantageous for the US and its allies is great. The expansion of Iran's forces and in turn the disruption in Syria and Yemen right on the border of Israel is a clear example of the intentions of the Iranian regime.

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