Thursday, May 10, 2018

Comments on Josh's Blog

Josh's commentary on the prospects of politicians jumping off social media especially once in office might be a pipe dream in today's evolving society, but it is one that is though provoking and also raises the question of the ways to counteract the surface level connectivity we feel is real on social media. With Americans clamoring for connectivity to their representatives in as many ways as they can get it, social media has turned into the place where judgments are made about people, whoever it may be. The positives  of an active social media presence is building a political "fan base" that has come to resemble sports more than any semblance of informative substance. In respect to the American people, though,  this hurts especially, as Josh points out it many times embarrasses the American people as nobody voted for a constant feed of tweets, they voted for real progress in the country. This is another issue with these political feeds, they can mask, or give an impression of  progress being made with nobody fact checking. In reality this could be a huge issue with the large majority of the American public taking their political and social news from sources within social media, all biased in one way or another.

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