Friday, April 6, 2018

Gun Control Solution

The solution to gun violence in the United States is the solution to lowering violent crime in general and that does not include what is today being called tighter gun laws. The evidence of strict gun laws working is not nearly convincing enough to justify infringing upon our Constitutional right to bear arms. The evidence backs this up. Looking state by state at how stricter and looser gun laws, as well as gun ownership correlate to gun violence and murder rate, there is no direct correlation that can be found. There are states with strict gun laws, low gun ownership and high murder rates as well as some with relatively low gun violence and murder rates. Same goes for states with more loose gun laws and higher gun ownership, there are those with good and states with bad murder and gun violence rates. A recent example of gun laws being ratcheted up as well as a buyback is Australia. They cut down on private ownership of guns by 20% and in turn cut down on homicides by a minimal amount overall, but have cut down on mass shootings completely when calling a mass shooting more than five people which is good. The idea of rifles slaying the American population is just not true when identifying the culprit for most murders. Handguns far and away outnumber any other form of murder weapon. The interesting thing is no one mentions knives to control or ban when they kill four times as many people as rifles in the United States. More people get beaten to death than get killed by rifles, so the notion of rifles being the main culprit of violent crime is completely untrue. If both these things are true; there is no correlation between stricter gun laws and lower ownership and a decrease in gun violence, and that you would have to tighten not just laws on rifles, but on handguns, all the while knowing people get stabbed four times as often as they get killed with a rifle. This leads me to a true solution to what people are trying to accomplish with gun control and banning. To protect schools security is put in place, such as veterans or cops who are ready to respond at an instant, this eliminates schools from becoming a target, as potential threats know they are going to be met with an someone ready to take them down, not a building full of people unable to defend themselves. To solve the long term issue of violence in general, we must solve the public education system and stop it from failing so many of those who turn to crime and desperation and eventually poverty, which I perceive to be the biggest issue . When we eliminate poverty, we eliminate the vast majority of violent crime. While it is not a simple problem, we must find the true root issues, not the ones being thrown at us on headlines and instead find real statistics and how they relate to one another.

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