Friday, February 23, 2018

Trust of American Government

This article outlines the distrust the American people have for the United States government. While the article suggests these statistics are facts, which represent the entire American population, they seem from a very small sample size, which could be remedied from pulling from a much larger, diverse sample size. There is evidence, however, for improvement that is needed from the government to regain trust from the national public, which has become quite disconnected from the national government. This evidence has been outlined abstractly throughout the article, as well as putting further research on the shoulders of the readers, as there is so much, as there is not enough space to include all the issues within the article. As the article suggests, there is ample evidence for distrust of the government as there has been corruption and mis-allocation of tax payer dollars over a long period of time. As the article suggests there must be more accountability for the actions of the government, as there is not near enough for at the present. The logic behind this argument is one the majority of the United States shares with the writer, as just about any poll shows distrust for the government. I agree with the writer as I agree there is an inherent distrust from within the government, as a result there should be no reason to trust, besides the fact that it should be respected and mended as a whole. For these reasons, there is no reason this cannot change with more a more informed citizenry and a more accountable leadership in the country.

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